Living in a tough environment can enable you to become stronger day after day if you know how to build self-esteem properly, but it also can have very negative impacts in your self-improvement regarding your self-esteem.In the following are some tips that will guide you in your self-development to gain a lot more faith in yourself in the form of self-esteem and self-confidence.
How to build self-esteem:
#1: Figure out what is pulling down your self-esteem!
It is important that you identify the factors of influence that have negative effects on your dignity and self-confidence. This could be a negative work environment with non-appreciative colleagues that are ruining your good opinion of yourself. Make sure to stay emotionally out of those situations and don’t let competition have influences on your pride.
#2: Stay away from negative people!
Have you ever noticed the blankness after a conversation with a pessimistic person? I certainly did and I can assure you that the bad vibes spoken in every sentence will not have a positive effect on your own well-being. Negative thinkers will flood you with all kinds of negative aspects of their lives and reasons why especially their life is so super bad because they simply haven´t realized the beauty of life. I’m neither willing nor do I have the time to listen to the negative ideology of specific people. If you know how to build self-esteem you will realize that these negative influences have a negative influence on this process of developing your dignity.
#3: Test your limits! Expand your boundaries!
In theory, this is very simplistic: You can gain self-esteem and self-confidence by steadily expanding your limits. Practically it will require a lot of energy and will-power to test your limits. But if you are willing to face your fears and overcome Obstacles you will gain lots of self-confidence.
#4: Accept your past:
There is no need anymore to feel guilty for mistakes that were being committed in the past. You can gain some helpful experiences by analyzing these mistakes in order to avoid them in the future. But you also need to accept these mistakes as immutable, so that they cannot have a negative influence concerning your amour-propre. Accepting the past is a very helpful method when asking yourself how to build self-esteem.
#5: Gratitude:
Being thankful and showing appreciation for all the things that you already have achieved can have a certain impact on your self-esteem. It will also enable you to learn to make the best out of really worse situations.
#6: There is no determination!
It is not your inherited genetics that can make you a positive thinker with a high self-esteem. Being self-confident (and develop self-confidence) is a choice that you have to make. You will always have the possibility to develop yourself and your esteem further, as long as you are willing to do so!

Building bulletproof self-esteem
Being self-confident with an extraordinary self-esteem will require from your to become responsible for your life and all the decisions you are making. But once you take responsibility for your life you have taken a very important step to advance your self-esteem. The above-named tips will help you to get the knowledge on how to build self-esteem in a very effective way so that you can increase your self-confidence.
Photo by keIsey_Iovefusionphoto
I have found this article very helpful, perhaps because I am open to positive advise and willing move on in the right direction.
Sue, thank you very much for your comment! I’m glad to see that the article helped you and that you are willing to move on in the right direction!
the problem with me is that all my friends are verry brilliant and their english accent is awesome! every time i make a mistake in pronouncing a word.. they openly criticize me and it makes me feel worse! i cant avoid being with them also.. this hampers ma confidence level and as a result i remain quite most of the times.