[Please note: I no longer practice Astral Projection. It no longer feels right to me because it heavily depleted my energy levels. I do not recommend Astral Projection. I no longer support the views expressed in this article. It opens up doors that I do not wish to open. Do not practice astral projection, it is dangerous. The following is left for informational purposes.]

Strategies for astral projection
I. Correlating aspects of most astral projection techniques
The interested researcher of astral projection induction methods is confronted with an overwhelming mass of many different techniques.
III. My personal astral projection routine
I no longer practice.
A) Pre-projection arrangements
B) Relaxation and projection
I hope have now a better understanding of the main objective of most astral projection techniques.
This article about my personal astral projection routine is the second part of my astral projection series. You can find links to the previous and following parts here:
Part I: The Basics about Astral Projection – Frequently Asked Questions
Part II: My extensive Astral Projection Routine (current article!)
Part III: The most effective Astral Projection Techniques
Part IV: Astral Projection on Steroids
Photo by Helga Weber
This article was brought to you by our Spiritual Growth Blog
You give a pretty good description of what APing feels like. A lot of what you wrote resonates with my experiences. The story spinning technique is IMHO the best for every beginner.
This is epic. Nuff said!”!”
Yes! i think this is how it would work for someone like me trying to astral project
All these websites say oh yea clear your mind but by thinking up random stories and stuff actually helped me get partially out of my body
Great advice
Wow! Great story, Read a lot of books about it but this is really helpful. Gonna try it again! Thanks for the amazing tips X
I’m going to give this a shot. I’m a natural astral that’s gone on a lot of “little walks”, but need to learn how to control my ability and do it consciously. This actually makes sense!
Great tips . But why I can’t be this i don’t know I can’t leave my body
It takes really a lot of practice, and by that I mean months or even years.
lol k
Tried this today, and I had better results than my own little routine and Dick Sutphen’s audio for Astral Travel. I guess it was because I didn’t have to focus on this and that, oh but don’t forget the chakras, okay now you have to think of this again. It was more relaxing and when it came to the “daydreaming” part, I had a random visualization that a wall was falling to the floor. When it hit the ground, I jolted back to reality and my hand bounced up a few inches. Sadly, I was interrupted, but I went on for over an hour (which is really weird; I get bored easily) beforehand.
Great technique for beginners.
Good to hear that you are making progress. It is very interesting that you write that this technique was more helpful to you because it was more relaxing. I believe this is an extremely important point, as I am also able to achieve the best results when I’m really relaxed.
This started occuring with me automatically. My center of consciousness would randomly move to objects in my enviroment. I do this mostly in motion, walking biking, etc. I’ve had success with my own shadow, fences. I simply let me consciousness free, release it, so to speak. No preparation is necessary, only the desire when the ability is accessable.
If you can do it naturally without preparation, then even better.
Hi i have been experiencing sever astral projection episodes. Usually when i would take naps i would begin to feel this heavy energy flowing through me while i was dreaming. At that point i would become aware that i am asleep. Sometimes it would scare me because i would see frightening visuals and force myself to wake up. Recently i have started visualizing a pink light surrounding me and i would suddenly feel very safe. Usually at that point i start to will myself into floating out of my body. I would gain a visual of my surroundings for a short period of time, but if i try to leave my room, my vision would fade out and i would wake up. Sometimes i can barely see and every thing is blurry and dark. It could just be a bunch of dreams, but if not, i was wondering if you experienced similar things when you first began astral projecting? Or did you just start off being able to go wherever you want for however long u want?
Hi Jack,
For me it was exactly the same. I think it was even worse. I couldn’t move at all and had to completely relearn how to move in that empty space. Also, I found myself surrounded in total darkness and had to adopt my senses to the new sensory input.
When it comes to moving, I believe it is quite difficult at the beginning to get into distance of the body. For me it was always when I left the close location of my body I would suddenly be dragged back. But I believe this is nothing too unusual so just keep practicing and with time and practice you’ll be able to overcome these issues or be able to find solutions to these issues.
This literally guided me very well. I think all the techniques were making it hard for me. I have only been reading about this for 2 weeks, I just learned what it was 2 weeks ago in search of ” something more to look forward to”. Your advice made it possible for me to relax…Oh and the lying on your back thing..GOLDEN. I just wish my first projection was more interesting. It was a bit dream like but I was conscious I just don’t know why I never left my bedroom..maybe fear. I also don’t know why my husband was nagging me in it. Oh well.
Thank you very much. I’m glad that I could help.
Hi I am currently very interested in astral projection. For two years I practiced this OBE but was never really successful. I had one experience where it felt like I was floating above my body looking at myself but felt a wave of fright coming over me and immediately woke up. Most of the times I only feel energy running through me very strongly. Recently I had a lot of conversations with people experiencing the same feelings. I am interested in knowing whether it could help if someone else could help from the outside? For instance if you left your body and came to my sleeping body and called me out? Obviously while I am trying to project from my own body at the same time.. Could this help me project faster in any way?
In general I would say that you should not project if you are not able to overcome your fears. Fear is the natural barrier that keeps those who are not ready from projecting. I believe this happens for a good reason, because it will be not such a pleasant thing to be out there while you are haunted by your fears.
To date I believe it’s possible that someone else could help you in experiencing a protection. However, this will have to be someone with more experience than me.
Hello. Your article is very helpful and sheds light on many issues. Thanks for writing. My trouble is…when those imaginations start….what to do after that? Like once, I dreams that I slipped on a puddle. In reality, I was slipping out of my body via ankles. But awareness crept in and I was pushed back inside. If, suppose, awareness HADN’T crept in, then I would have gotten out of my body partially conscious, as I have many times. Or, not conscious at all. So, it’s established that awareness is necessary. But as I experienced, awareness made the task of going out impossible. What to do?
I’m just troubleshooting for potential causes for this problem. But could it be that by becoming conscious of what happens you suddenly start to get all excited, or experience fear? It could be possible that the experience is canceled when you are too afraid or too excited.
At the moment, the only thing I can do is to encourage you to keep practicing. You will see that you will sooner or later adapt, meaning that you will be able to overcome this obstacle.
I have always had a Christ mind affinity when I was young probably younger than I should have been I partook in smoking Mary and I would meditate deeply I imagined a light that with each breath either inhale or exhale would gather itself in a point in intensity of frequency and let loose and sparatic I’ve never tried astral projection intact over the years I have let all meditation go my friends and family thought I was so very strange so I tried really very hard to become manly and dispassionate aggressive even just recently I have begun to come back to my roots I experienced my body while meditating at night instantly within a minute of closing my eyes very loud vibrations along and through my body I was lifting in the air my lover and child in my bed were gone my bed was high tea technicolor yellow and green maybe flowers I was scared and came back to my self stomachs down head turned to my lover when I had fallen asleep on my back face turned the same way I instantly opened my eyes it was the strangest thing I looked it up I have been trying to replicate the results but I’ve had no succes it happened so quickly so strangely was this a fluke? I’ve always been very deep no way to explain I can’t reach the vibrational state I was in I am anxious to return to that place but continue my astral journey instead of returning
It’s important to work on your fears first. Don’t try to force things, let them unfold naturally. It’s always best to meditate without having expectations. Simply allow things to happen and don’t be disappointed if nothing happens.
Hi am a fairly new starter in Astral Projection. I have been trying for roughly a month now. Not everyday but when I feel it’s right. In the past I have had 3 sleep paralysis events which prior to knowing about AP was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I don’t have any fear of AP and am looking forward to my first successful projection. I believe I have been close twice now. Had very heavy vibrations almost like a train running over me but was unable to project. Practice is the key I keep seeing being mentioned. I will be trying your method for a while as it does make sense. Some great advice in there. Cannot wait for my first successful projection. Just to look back at myself and know I haven made it to the astral plane. Then there are no limits. Travel to the most beautiful places in the world. I also can’t recommend enough meditation. I only started doing 10 mins a day but buy so I feel different. I’m a lot more peaceful. Less angry. Feel a lot more love for the beauty of the world. And realise we are capable of anything. Unlimited Potential. Everyone start meditating. Thanks for the advice.
I am so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your experiences.
i have been doing lot of studies and watching videos to learn it to do.but i am never succesful.it is said with 3rd eye its posible but this meditation is very time consuming and similarly lucid dreams too.liisten binaurat beats at morning when my sleep is complete and try to get sleep paralysis i feel my body is jammed but when i want i still can move. isnt that sleep paralysis?i imagine rope technique but cNt keep imagination constant.i want to do but i dont knw how. ….
In my experience, consistent practice over many years is the key.
I have been studying astral projection on and off for years , each year I get closer and closer til a week ago I tried randomly and it happened but I was so scared I just went back into my body moments later . If only I read this before because it was exactly what I did . I laid down and said I want to have a conscience astral body expirence . As longer I laid there the more relaxed my body got soon it was just my thoughts at this point I was have a sleep but aware (mentally) I tried the rope technique just to keep my awareness off my body (created a story ) and soon the rope became vivid and colorful at this point it started to happen my body vibrated immensely but I wasn’t scarred cause I knew what was happening. So I ignored it and it kept getting more intense soon my body started floating and I was so suprised at how real it was I came back .
Sounds fantastic! Good luck with your further efforts.
I’m new to astral projection like just started to practice a few days ago. And when i start i know i can keep my mind empty such as, no distractions or wondering off naturally. i was wondering if you need your thoughts to flow and what am i suppose to thought of also i sometimes stop counting and focus on breathing and usually have to restart . and for the physical relaxation i have this muscles disability (hypotonia) where my muscle tone is weaken so does that effect the outcome to.furthermore does my body have to be completely still like i can’t swallow the built up saliva and i usually have my eyes open when sleep too so i constantly close them during the relaxation period.And another how long does the relaxation period last because i kinda impatience and get tired mid way and i feel my arms and legs ache once i move them out of position. And being in the sleep paralysis is a indication to start the visualization. and when it comes to imagination i usually come up blank when any time i have to visualize or having trouble visualizing something something in my .head .
It took me 1 1/2 or two hours of completely laying still. Eyes should be closed. But I swallow every once in a while. Always remember, you really want to relax. Keep practicing and do what feels natural to you.
thank you for the awesome tip! I’ll give it a whirl tonight.. I have had three experiences a long time ago. Ten years. I have tried and tried to repeat it without success. I am hopeful these tips were help me.