And why are dreams so intense during the Full moon? Feel free to skip the intro to read the most reasonable explanation why the moon has such an impact on our dreams, by following this link “Why are my dreams so intense during a Full Moon?” I write a dream journal for a while now. You know it’s just a small notebook where I put down some of the impressions I have during my dreams, basically anything I can remember of the night. And besides the fantastic insight that this little journal provides about my mind, I began to notice a monthly pattern in which my dream recall and the vividness would begin to change tremendously. To be more precise, I believe this pattern is highly influenced by the lunar phase that is occurring and the thereof resulting visibility/“invisibility” of the Moon.
Shortly before, during and some days after the rise of the full moon my dreams would become almost certainly less vivid; my dream recall becomes little to non-existent. Instead of remembering three or four dreams in greatest detail (like during a New moon), I would only be able to reconstruct memory excerpts of a frantic night (dream-wise). This feels to me like comparing an HD 1080p movie to one second-lasting snippet from a low-resolution independent movie. Also, when there is a full moon going on, I have trouble falling asleep, cannot sleep through the night and wake up more often. On the other hand, while in the lunar phase of the new moon, when the moon resides in the darkness, I recall most of my dreams, some of them very intense and vivid.
These are the conclusions I’ve drawn from my own experiences and therefore I was truly astonished when many of my friends reported undergoing exactly the opposite of what I experience during a full moon. Out of curiosity I began researching and noticed that people either have really intense, sometimes strange but always very vivid dreams during a full moon (which make up to an estimate of 70% of accounts), whereas the other 30% would report less intense dreams or difficulties to remember any dreams at all, during a Full moon.

Is the moon influencing human behavior?
It’s obvious to ask the question: Does the moon have an influence on our dreams? And if it does: What is the reason that the moon affects our dreams in such a strong way? Why would a moon phase, such as the full moon, cause aforementioned extremes in the dream pattern of a person such as experiencing very intense dreams or not being able to remember any dreams at all, during a full moon?
Why are dreams so intense during the Full Moon?
This is the most probable and reasonable explanation I’ve discovered at present:
Theory #1: Charged Moon influences Earth’s magnetic field
The Earth’s magnetic field is influenced, amongst other factors, by the Moon. This alone would not rate a mention, but the connecting of the dots that follows becomes really interesting. The Earth also has a magnetic tail, formed by the solar wind, which is basically a stream of electrons and protons ejected from the Sun. This stream of charged particles (plasma) that is ejected from the Sun hits the earth with speeds of up to 500 mph. Luckily, the Earth is protected to a large degree from this solar wind, as the magnetic field shields our planet, leading to a deflection of the stream. Hence, this is how the magnetic tail of the Earth is created, which extends way beyond the Moon into space.
Every 27.3 days when the Moon completes its orbit, it moves through Earth’s magnetic tail, which just happens to coincide with a full moon.
Anyone can tell when the moon is inside the magnetotail. Just look: “if the moon is full, it is inside the magnetotail,” says Stubbs. “The moon enters the magnetotail three days before it is full and takes about six days to cross and exit on the other side.”
Tim Stubbs on The Moon and the Magnetotail, NASA
So we have the perfect synchronicity of the Moon entering the Earth’s magnetic tail, right at the time when a full moon occurs. We also know that the Moon is not protected by an atmosphere or magnetic field that could shield it, which means that the surface that faces the earth (during a full moon) is bombarded by the solar wind deflected from Earth. The solar wind – that has left little to no influence on the Earth – then plasma charges the Moon, causing a tremendous increase of the magnetic and electric field, which then influences Earth’s magnetic field, as the plasma charged surface faces our planet.
Quick summary so far: We have the solar wind that is deflected by Earth’s magnetic field that shields us from it. As the Moon is not protected by a magnetic field or atmosphere, it is massively hit by the magnetotail that charges it, which then has an influence onto Earth’s geomagnetic field.
The first dots are connected, but how exactly does a change in the magnetic field influence us humans and the way we perceive our dreams, especially during a full moon?
Scientists know that Earth’s magnetic field affects the pineal gland of a rat (see: Article on and there is also evidence that electromagnetic fields affect the human pineal gland (see: Evidence for an Effect of ELF on Humans), which logically leads me to the conclusion that changes in the Earth’s geomagnetic field have an influence on the human pineal gland.
The pineal gland – which was regarded by the Ancient as the “third eye” and the seat of mystical powers – is the bodies master gland that secretes melatonin into the body. The French philosopher Descartes even considered this gland to be the seat of the soul. The inside of the gland is filled with water and has the highest blood flow per cubic volume than any other gland in our body.
Rick Strassman MD, a researcher of the effect of psychedelic and hallucinogenic substances, argues that the pineal gland also releases dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which is a very powerful psychedelic that can be found in nature. According to Strassman, it is very likely that tiny amounts of DMT are released into our bloodstream while we sleep, causing a dreaming state.
There is only one missing link that could not be verified as of today: do changes in the Earth’s magnetic field influence the secretion of DMT into our bloodstream? If such a link exists, it may be the explanation why dreams are so much more intense during a full moon. It would also explain why dreams during an occurring full moon are perceived to be much more vivid and intense, as the natural psychedelic DMT might be released to a stronger degree into our brain than usual, without the pineal gland being influenced by an increase of Earth’s magnetic field.
Validity and conclusiveness of the theory: 90%
I must admit that this is – in my opinion – the best and most explanatory theory that I’ve discovered so far. You might now have a possible answer to the question: “Why are my dreams so intense during a full moon?”. The full moon is charged by the magnetotail of the Earth, which influences the Earth’s magnetic field, which then has an impact on our brains pineal gland, leading – potentially – to an increased release of DMT – a natural psychedelic – which then gives us the impression of more intense and vivid dreams. Voila!
In the following, I’ll present you some other theories as to why the Moon influences our dreams.
Theory #2: The bright light disturbs your sleep
The second potential explanation why so many people report intense dreams during a Full moon sounds pretty straightforward and reasonable: When there is a Full moon, it’s much brighter in the night, therefore people wake up more often as the light disrupts their sleep pattern, which then leaves the impression that the dreams were more vivid than usual.
This is what really happens: In general, the dreams that are most memorable are those that took place closest to waking. That’s the explanation why it’s so much easier to remember the last dream you had before awakening and why it’s so extremely difficult to recall anything about the first dreams of the night at all (if you slept through).
The production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm, reaches its peak when it’s dark and drops during the day when you’re exposed to light. However, the bright light of the Full moon can disrupt the melatonin cycle, causing us to wake more often during the night – at the end of a dream. This then leaves the impression that your dreams were a lot more intense and vivid, but what actually happened is that you were only remembering more dreams as you awoke more often than on a regular, dark night.
Validity and conclusiveness of the theory: 25%
The “bright-light-disruption-theory” sounds logical, but it does not account to all those who are sleeping in a light-isolated room and still experience either more intense dreams or sleep deprivation during a Full moon. Also, it takes not into account that a Full moon influences most people’s sleep even when the sky is clouded throughout the night. The theory might only be relevant to people who sleep in a sleeping-place that gets illuminated by the moon and it still is not really conclusive as to why people’s dreams are so intense during a Full moon.
Theory #3: The human psyche is responsible
After we have ruled out that the “bright-light-disruption-theory” cannot explain why any person that sleeps in a light isolated room might experience an influence of the Full moon to their sleep pattern, it’s only consequent to have a look if the human psyche could be the actual reason for this phenomenon. I have to admit, though, that I consider this theory as a rather irrelevant one to explain the severe influence of the Moon on human behavior in general, but – as the interested researcher might find out – many people (most of them scientists) bring up this theory as an explanation, so it should be closer examined.
The theory goes as follows: People have a strong belief in the Moon’s influence on human behavior. And, as we expect a major impact or associate strange happenings with the Full moon, scientists conclude that our psyche is what really influences our dreams and not the Moon. Not even the many reports of policeman, nurses, and firefighters – that link the Full moon to troublous nights with increased numbers of crimes and incoming patients – dissuade scientists from the theory that solely the human psyche responsible for all of this. The fact that many farmers plant in accordance with the moon phase, surgeons and/or patients reschedule appointments for surgery that overlap with a Full moon and the many people that take the lunar calendar into account for every major decision is – in the view of scientists – mostly based on urban legends or as they call it: “moon myths” that are – according to them – not based on experience but rather on folklore, misconceptions, and cognitive biases.
Validity and conclusiveness of the theory: 1%
Do my dreams change – regularly and repeatedly at the same time – just because I expect it to happen? It may be possible to a certain extent, but what about those that wake up in the morning – from a bewildering night full of intense and vivid dreams – who confirm their assumption drawn from their experiences that there might be a full moon occurring by looking into the calendar, newspaper or internet. What about all those that did not expect anything to happen and had no idea about the current lunar phase?
Theory #4: The Moon affects water molecules in the body
We all know that the Moon affects the ocean tides, as the moon – in simplified terms – tries to pull anything on the Earth closer like a magnet, whereas the Earth’s gravitational attraction manages to hold onto, but is not able to stop the ever-flowing water in the oceans from being pulled by the Moon’s gravitational force.
What we also know is that approximately 55-70% of the human body consists of water. This is a fact, not a rumor, legend or made-up fiction, it is a fact (see: Wikipedia – Body Water)
Obviously, if the Moon is able to influence water molecules in the ocean, the following question is justified: “Does the Moon have a gravitational effect on the water molecules within our bodies, resulting in a change of our dream pattern during a Full moon?” Is it possible that the Moon causes a disruption of the water molecules in the nervous system, which causes us to experience more intensive/less intensive dreams during a Full moon?
Validity and conclusiveness of the theory: 5%
There are four major arguments that pull the theory apart:
- The amount of water in the human body varies and is highly influenced by the environment that person is living in (altitude, climate and temperature). But, people from every culture, everywhere on the world experience the same effect of the moon onto their dreams.
- The Moon’s gravitational force only affects open water, not the water encased by objects (such as the human body).
- The Moon’s gravitational force during a Full moon is the same as during a New moon. The force does not depend on the lunar phase.
That’s it. I hope you’ve enjoyed the four presented theories and that they will assist you in forging an opinion about this speculative topic. Does the moon influence your dreams as well? We’re excited to hear about your experiences in the comment section below.
Photo by Robert Schöller
Thank you so much for you informative blog. Keep posting.
I have often noted changes in health, usually negative, just a few days before the new moon. These can range from mild to fairly severe. I believe there is a name for symptoms of the quarter moons as well in some mythology although I do not know the names given to this.
Thank you for this article. I recently was speaking to an internist who stated emphatically that there is no connection between the moon phases and humans. I did not refute this statement as the visit would have been lengthy, but it disturbs me to find the medical profession so often close-minded about new awareness in these areas. It is definitely time to close the gap. Your pineal gland theory is decidedly interesting.
Hi Joy, you are absolutely right. The close-mindedness of some never ceases to amaze me. It seems to me as if they follow the simple rule: if it isn’t written in one of my books it is not true. I know, however, that the moon has an impact onto my body – no matter if its impact is already well-known or not. And I guess many people feel the same.
Mate your really onto something here we just need someone to bridge that gap, every full moon i get charged up my pineal gland will start pulsing it feels amazing i dont even know how to describe it i just have to lay down and meditate then im off into dreamland most im aware in and can control my awarness flying ect teaching and talking to people its something ive been doin my whole life but didnt have anything to go with i thought it was just it but it is far more!its ignorant to think the moon wouldnt affect us we bloody live on the earth open your eyes people!
Wow fantastic, thanks for sharing your experiences. Sometimes I wish I had all the answers to this great mystery.
I think women’s menstrual cycle is also associated with the moon’s phases. There is not enough study done on this subject, but many do believe in it. It’s true, I’ve observed myself when its nearing full moon and occasionally on new moon, I do get some weird dreams and they do look extremely vivid and real. I can’t explain why this happens. I do think moon does affect our brains in some manner.
Yes, absolutely! Hopefully we find answers to the many unanswered questions in the near future. Whether or not the moon influences humans is only one of the many unanswered mysteries, I guess.
I suggest reading the book called ” Who built the moon?” An interesting read for open minded people.
Hi Daniel, wow that’s an interesting synchronicity! I added this book one month ago to my wishlist. Thanks for your timely reminder. I will try to buy it someday when I got some money to spare. And I definitely think its necessary to have an open mind when it comes to such an inexplicable anomaly as the moon is. “It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence.” ~ NASA Scientist Dr. Robin Brett
Have a nice day!
Thank you. My dreams and, psyche and spiritual awakening have been extreme ever since childhood. I recognize this phase deepens as the beginning of the full moon phase occurs.
You’re welcome. I didn’t sleep great the last two days, so I had a look out of the window and just as I assumed we have a full moon.
Thank you for your charged moon theory. I believe it makes perfect sense and is easily understandable.
As for theory #2 because of our sleep cycles, the dreams toward morning are actually longer in duration regardless of light exposure, so I would discount that theory as well.
I can also say that after researching the dreams of nurses and patients over 18 years, the notion that dream content and quality has a correlation with the phases of the moon, is valid.
Thank you Norma for pointing this out.
Ive noticed in my dream journal that my vivid and intuitive dreams happen during the waxing crescent phase after a new moon…
This is very interesting, thanks for sharing your experience.
I don’t really pay attention to moon phases, but I recalled reading something about how the moon affects dreams and last night my dreams were SO vivid, I had to look up today’s moon phase. I thought vivid dreams had something do to with full moons, so was surprised (disappointed?) to see the phase today (9/25/17) is waxing crescent, and figured the moon phase had nothing to do with my dreams. Then I read your comment!
Thank you for the article and all who posted responses. I have a very open mind and believe that when wavelengths combine they can amplify themselves to become somewhat greater than the sum of their parts as in the double slit experiment. I am a shark researcher with emphasis on magnetic fields and that has led me to link many other aspects of life, time and existence to magnetism.
My awakening has been a long, slow process but it is definitely becoming clearer. So much so that it has led me to this article as myself and one other embark on writing a book on how magnetic fields affect dreams. I encourage all of you to become involved and even co-author if you like.
There are numerous hypotheses out there but one I buy into the most is Einstein’s Relativity. I have read it several times and travel with it, in fact, I was just reading it again this evening. It states that all magnetic fields are connected but they just vary in strength due to distance between the two generating bodies and center of mass.
Our thoughts are electrical impulses and have accompanying magnetic fields according to Maxwell’s right hand rule. Researchers at MIT have developed a new type of MRI sensor which measures magnetic changes in a protein binding to dopamine in the brain rather than oxygen. It is in its infancy but it proves magnetic reactivity to thoughts.
A compass works because weaker magnetic fields align with stronger ones (flux density). A compass is a weaker magnet than that of the Earth (average 35 microTesla) so it aligns with its poles and can easily be changed, NS, using a stronger magnet. I took some readings using a magnetometer of a flip phone at idle, 350 microTesla, iPhone 5 at idle 1,000 microTesla and then a tiny N52 earbud magnet 5,000 microTesla.
If we place these strong magnetic fields near our heads or even inside of our ears I postulate that they can even pull on our thoughts. There is much research done to show that human blood is reactive to magnetic fields but it is referred to as lowering blood viscosity. Oxygenated blood (iron & oxygen) is far more magnetically reactive than deoxygenated blood and Alzheimers brain analysis show double the amount of magnetite (Fe3O4) than found in healthy brains.
I posit that magnetic fields could be involved in Alzheimers and several other human maladies and I would like help developing this. Please do collaborate by whatever means and capacity you like. We all have links to the chain. Mahalo and aloha.
Wow, thanks for this brilliant comment.
Hi, I’ve been lead to this article through a series of searches, and after reading it found many of the ideas are following the same path that I have discovered over the last few months.
After having some rather interesting lucid dreams and finding that most if not all correspond to new and full moon phases, I too started with the DMT idea, though this has now changed based on conversations with lucid dream researchers and their conversations with Strassman regarding this idea.
I’ve only recently been researching the electromagnetic field fluctuations and the connection to Schumann resonance and how this would affect the brainwave patterns of certain individuals, who just as you have posited, perhaps contain more magnetite in the brain then others.
My own research has led me down further on the path into psi, among other esoteric ideas, that relate to this. Some other sources point to these correlations and specific occurences involving the ufo phenomenon also coincide with new and full moon phases and other electromagnetic field anomalies.
I’d be curious to hear more about your research as this is and will also be ongoing research for myself as well. May I also suggest the work of Anthony Peake, as I see you mentioned alzheimer’s and he talks quite a bit about this and how it relates to other states of consciousness.
Kind regards.
Did anyone mentioned the bone pain when getting close to full moon. Personally my knees.
I also must ask, what does it mean when ones dream is influenced but when getting close to the new moon rather than the full moon?