Do you enjoy thinking about all the wonderful moments you’ve experienced with their grandmother? It’s quite likely that your grandmother accompanied you on your life journey from early childhood to adulthood. Perhaps your grandmother had such a profound impact on your life that she wasn’t the grandest role model during your childhood. To honor the great sacrifices of your parents and grandparents, we’ve created the following collection of inspirational grandma quotes that will warm your heart. Enjoy reading. Can’t get enough of good quotes? Have a look at our selection of the most inspirational quotes about life.
If you had the great joy of growing up with your grandmother, she has probably had a significant influence on you. Perhaps she took care of you when your parents were at work and possibly helped you through some difficult times as a teenager.
“Grandmotherhood initiated me into a world of play, where all things became fresh, alive, and honest again through my grandchildren’s eyes. Mostly, it retaught me love.”
Sue Monk Kidd
When you look at your character, you may notice that both of you share many similar characteristics. Perhaps, her kindness, dedication, humility, and her willingness to make sacrifices continue to shape your behavior to this day.

Enjoy this heartfelt collection of beautiful grandma quotes
If you’ve known your grandmother for many years or even decades, it’s quite likely that she was able to teach you many things about life. Her wisdom and experience have probably proven truly valuable in quite a lot of situations.
100 Wise Grandmother Quotes that Warm Your Heart
The following collection of inspirational grandmother quotes pays tribute to the great courage and efforts of grandmother’s worldwide who are helping young children grow up.
Here’s our collection of truly beautiful grandma quotes
“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.“
Alex Haley
“Having a grandmother is like having an army. This is a grandchild’s ultimate privilege: knowing that someone is on your side, always, whatever the details. Even when you are wrong. Especially then, in fact. A grandmother is both a sword and a shield.“
Fredrik Backman
“What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure.“
Gene Perret
“Sometimes our grandmas and grandpas are like grand-angels.“
Lexie Saige
“The best babysitters, of course, are the baby’s grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida.“
Dave Barry
“You make all your mistakes with your own children so by the time your grandchildren arrive, you know how to get it right. Plus, once you turn fifty, you kind of stop caring what others think.“
Liz Fenton
“Grandma, as I have seen in looking back, was the decider of my fate. She shaped my life, without of course knowing what my life would be. She taught me many things that I was going to need to know, without either us knowing I would need to know them.“
Wendell Berry
“And like that, I said goodbye to my grandmother like we were two people who met in a coffee shop, shared a lifetime of stories and left wanting more, but knowing we’d meet there again.“
Darnell Lamont Walker
“When she smiles, the lines in her face become epic narratives that trace the stories of generations that no book can replace.“
Curtis Tyrone Jones
“A Grandmother thinks of her grandchildren day and night, even when they are not with her. She will always love them more than anyone would understand.“
Karen Gibbs
These grandmother quotes are truly on point
“This is a place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven.“
Rick Bragg
“A grandchild is different. Gone are the bonds of guilt and responsibility that burden the maternal relationship. The way to love is free.“
Kate Morton
“If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time, you’re the grandma.“
Teresa Bloomingdale
“Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.“
Marcy DeMaree
“Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.“
Doug Larson
“A grandmother is someone with silver in her hair and gold in her heart.“
“Grandmother. The true power behind the power.“
Lisa Birnbach
“What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.“
Rudolph Giuliani
“It’s possible to love your grandmother for years and years without really knowing anything about her.“
Fredrik Backman
“When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.“
Ogden Nash
Grandma quotes are full of wisdom
“Grandchildren make you feel great about life, and yourself, and your ability to love someone unconditionally, finally, after all these years.”
Anne Lamott
“Every house needs a grandmother in it.“
Louisa May Alcott
“His grandmother had taught him that there was no such thing as coincidence. There are millions of people in this world, she had told him, and the spirits will see that most of them, you never have to meet. But there are one or two that you are tied to, and spirits will cross you back and forth, threading so many knots until they catch and you finally get it right.“
Jodi Picoult
“Truth be told, being a grandma is as close as we ever get to perfection. The ultimate warm sticky bun with plump raisins and nuts. Clouds nine, ten, and eleven.“
Bryna Nelson Paston
“Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric.“
Pam Brown
“It is only by looking back, as an old woman myself, like her a widow and a grandmother, that I can see how much she loved me and can pay her out of my heart the love I owe her.“
Wendell Berry
“Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.“
“My grandmother had a love which found in me so totally its complement, its goal, its constant lodestar, that the genius of great men, all the genius that might ever have existed from the beginning of the world, would have been less precious to my grandmother than a single one of my defects.“
Marcel Proust
cYour grandma is a magician. Remember that time when you fell off your bicycle and she lifted you up onto the kitchen counter? She cleaned your bloody knees, washed the tears and snot off your face, told you funny stories and tickled your stomach until you giggled so hard it made you hiccup. The tears, the blood, the pain, your mum’s closed bedroom door – all vanished as if your grandma had waved a wand – sim sala bim!“
Margrét Helgadóttir
“A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world.“
Ann Morse
Can’t get enough of inspirational grandmother quotes? Keep reading
“I often can’t tell what makes me do things. Sometimes I do them just to find out what I feel like doing them. And sometimes I do them because I want to have some exciting things to tell my grandchildren.“
Lucy Montgomery
“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.“
Ellen DeGeneres
“A Grandmother thinks of her grandchildren day and night, even when they are not with her. She will always love them more than anyone would understand.“
Karen Gibbs
“Our faces will become works of art that our grandchildren will treasure.“
Adriana Trigiani
“My grandmother’s last act on earth was a call for forgiveness, love, and tolerance.“
Sherman Alexie
“Grandmothers are everything in life: If you need a friend, grandma is willing to be your best friend ever.“
Euginia Herlihy
“Her grandmother’s cooking area was small- a tiny sink, no dishwasher, a bit of a counter- but out of it came tortellini filled with meat and nutmeg and covered in butter and sage.“
Erica Bauermeister
“Grandma came back from that distance in time that separates grandmothers from their grandchildren and made herself a mother to me.“
Wendell Berry
“Uncles and aunts, and cousins, are all very well, and fathers and mothers are not to be despised; but a grandmother, at holiday time, is worth them all.“
Fanny Fern
“The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.“
Sam Levenson
Grandma quotes like this make your heart melt
“Some grandmas took their grandchildren to parks, or bought them books and dolls, or shared their special stories. Her grandma shared her recipes.“
Amy E. Reichert
“We should all have one person who knows how to bless us despite the evidence, Grandmother was that person to me.“
Phyllis Theroux
“Granny always said finding justice was as tough as putting socks on a rooster.“
Jessica Maria Tuccelli
“Some moments can only be cured with a big squishy grandma hug.“
Dan Pearce
“It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace.“
Christopher Morley
“A grandmother who was delighted by all their quirks and who thought they were the most amazing creatures on earth.“
Will Schwalbe
“If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.“
Lois Wyse
“Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.“
Marcy DeMaree
“Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends and hardly ever our own grown children.“
Ruth Goode
“My grandmother Rose was a tough woman, so tough she’d built the family home with her own hands while my grandpa worked as a tailor in the market.“
William Kamkwamba
These grandma quotes are full of love and wisdom
“They say genes skip generations. Maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable.“
Joan McIntosh
“If you plant a walnut you are planting it for your grandchildren.“
George Orwell
“A mother becomes a true grandmother the day she stops noticing the terrible things her children do because she is so enchanted with the wonderful things her grandchildren do.“
Lois Wyse
“I thought grandmothers had to like you. It’s a law or something.“
Mary E. Pearson
“My Great Grandmother Morrison fixed a book-rest to her spinning wheel so that she could read while she was spinning, or so the story goes. And one Saturday evening she became so absorbed in her book that when she looked up she found that it was half-past midnight and she had spun for half an hour on the Sabbath Day. Back then, that counted as a major sin.“
Mary Lawson
“Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.“
Mary H. Waldrip
“Soon I will be an old, white-haired lady, into whose lap someone places a baby, saying, “Smile, Grandma!” I, who myself so recently was photographed on my grandmother’s lap.“
Liv Ullmann
“You are the sun, Grandma, you are the sun in my life.“
Kitty Tsui
“Only through love will we find our way to create a world worthy of our children and our grandchildren.“
Laurence Overmire
“I am grateful to those who are keepers of the groove. The babies and the grandmas who hang on to it and help us remember when we forget that any kind of dancing is better than no dancing at all.“
Lynda Barry
“A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween.“
Erma Bombeck
“If god had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn’t have given us grandmothers.“
Linda Henley
“When Grandma’s last breath waltzed from that room, my heart opened wide like a parachute, and I realized she didn’t die. She simply found a silence she could call her own.“
Jeffrey McDaniel
“It’s often said when a baby is born so is a grandparent.“
Lisa A. Tortorello
“When it comes to death, we know that laughter and tears are pretty much the same things. And so, laughing and crying, we said good-bye to my grandmother. And when we said goodbye to one grandmother, we said good-bye to all of them.“
Sherman Alexie
“She loved them so much that she felt a kind of hollowness on the inner surface of her arms whenever she looked at them- an ache of longing to pull them close and hold them tight against her.“
Anne Tyler
“As grandma said, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all“
A J Jacobs
“My grandmother was the only grandmother I ever met who smoked cigars.“
Roald Dahl
“Grandma; it was to grandma I truly wanted to have returned, but she was no more.“
Obehi Peter Ewanfoh
“At the time, however, I didn’t realize the extent of my granddaughter’s sensitivity – or her loneliness. I thought only of myself. Of my own sensitivity and my own loneliness.“
Diane B. Saxton
“These abilities are really not so different from the superpower stuff that old Jiko could do, like moving super slow, or reading people’s minds, or appearing in doorways, or making people feel okay about themselves by just being there.“
Ruth Ozeki
“I have the idea that we grandmothers are meant to play the part of protective witches; we must watch over younger women, children, community and also, why not? This mistreated planet, the victim of such unrelenting desecration.“
Isabel Allende
“Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.”
Margaret Mead
“Young people need something stable to hang on to a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they need what grandparents can give them.“
Jay Kesler
“I want to be a sunshine grandma.“
Kay Robertson
“Grandma must have come to inspect the settings a hundred times, being a perfectionist. Her love was evident in every little thing that was present in the house. It was soothing to be back in the house.“
Preethi Venugopala
“She loved them so much that she felt a kind of hollowness on the inner surface of her arms whenever she looked at them- an ache of longing to pull them close and hold them tight against her.“
Anne Tyler
“If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.“
Italian proverb
“I still loved Granny. It flowed out of my chest. With Granny gone, where would my love go?“
Jessica Maria Tuccelli
“Grandparents make the world… a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer.”
“Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.“
Gene Perret
“Granny always said finding justice was as tough as putting socks on a rooster.“
Jessica Maria Tuccelli
“One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather.“
Joy Hargrove
“There is no greater achievement than being a grandfather who tells fairy tales to grandchildren.“
Eraldo Banovac
“It can be said that we are built by many things. Biology and lineage. Grit and moonlight and ocean stone. By fire and water and air. By the lessons of the grandmothers and the pounding of blood through veins and the very first break.“
Jeanette LeBlanc
“When Granny was headed for some far-off place, you could only be sure of one thing: that it was a place everyone else was trying to get away from. And if anyone asked her why she was doing it, she’d answer, “I’m a doctor, for God’s sake, and ever since I became one I’ve not allowed myself the luxury of choosing whose life I should be saving.“
Fredrik Backman
“We wish grandparents would remember these two truths about grandchildren: 1. They are not your children; 2. They are your grandchildren.“
Ross Campbell
“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.“
Madeleine L’Engle
“Invest your money and time acquiring knowledge for yourself… and the good news is that as you do so, you keep your children and grandchildren and unborn generations enlightened by what you have already learned!“
Israelmore Ayivor
“Instead of writing the epitaph on your grave; more beautiful and memorable is to leave some handwritten letters to your wife, sons and daughters, and grandchildren.“
Yash Thakur
“The foundation that my parents and grandparents instilled in me is unyielding, especially the principle that teaches me to keep God first in all I do.“
Carlos Wallace
“I have no doubt that their garden is also where my grandparents dreamed—for a better life of equality for their grandchildren and future generations. As people rooted in their faith, they probably did a lot of praying here as well, that God would deliver us all to prosperity and peace beyond this plot of land.“
Deborah L. Parker
“Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.”
“From my observation, the older you get, the more you like the word cozy. That’s why most of the elderly wear pants with elastic waistbands. If they wear pants at all. This may explain why grandparents are in love with buying grandkids pajamas and bathrobes.“
Holly Goldberg Sloan
“Her grandmother, as she gets older, is not fading but rather becoming more concentrated.“
Paulette Bates Alden
“Grandchildren are their grandparents’ toys.“
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Why do grandparents and grandchildren get along so well? They have the same enemy – the mother.“
Claudette Colbert
“Every secret of life I know, I learned at my grandfather’s knee.“
T.K. Naliaka
“A faint smell of lilac filled the air. There was always lilac in this part of town. Where there were grandmothers, there was always lilac.“
Laura Miller
“My grandmother, a dim, stern figure, named her children Lily and Violet, which I guess from seeing a picture of my mother’s paved, ugly backyard, was the nearest she came to a garden.“
Emma Joy Crone
I hope you enjoyed this collection of thought-provoking grandma quotes.
Stay victorious!